Summer 2018 So Far

Well what can we say!? It’s been a busy one! We’d like to start off by talking about our Open Air rally at the Port! 


This took place last month on the 22nd July as part of the annual Portstewart Red Sails Festival. We had an amazing crowd as usual but even more so was God’s presence. 

Jo Aiken shared some of her life story with us and you could of hear a pin drop, it’s amazing what the Lord can achieve and how far He can bring us if we let him in. 

Stevie [Silverson] stopped off with us between leaving London and heading to Florida for a new chapter in his ministry and really declared the word, straightforward and simple, just as it should be. 

As always the night wouldn’t be complete without a bit of praise and worship and we’d like to thank Mark Wright for organising and leading this, an amazing job! 


As for the parties, we’ve been involved with over 20 events so far since June and have six this week coming. We guess a good old fashioned social is just as popular as ever.

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Do continue to pray for us on the roads and as we share our message. We have had and still have a good number of Summer youth events to do as well as the usual wedding thing which is even taking us to Detroit in September to do a special one, we cant wait!